Dallas is Big Enough for Everyone

We’re Advocating for Attainable Housing

More than 180 non- and for-profit organizations with a single mission.

A recent study by the Child Poverty Action Lab found that Dallas has a 33,600 unit gap in housing. Without action, this gap will grow to 83,500 units by 2030.

At a cost of $200,000/unit, the current housing gap will take at least $6.72B to close. The Dallas Housing Coalition, a grassroots, volunteer-run organization, advocated for an investment of $200M in the City of Dallas’ 2024 Bond Program. Ultimately, a total of $82M across 3 propositions (G, H, and I) is on the May ballot to enable our city to leverage municipal funding with private investors and other sources of public funding.

Want to help get the word out about Propositions G, H, and I? Click here to download our Proposition G, H, & I Campaign Toolkit.

Early voting runs April 22 - April 30, and Election Day is May 4. Find out more information, including where you can vote, at DallasCountyVotes.org.

Everyone deserves a place to call home. We are fighting for greater public spending on housing initiatives so that everyone can have a roof over their head. 

What’s good for each of us is also what’s good for all of us.

In addition to fueling economic growth, attainable housing promotes a sustainable society, upward mobility, the preservation of our local history, and a more vibrant community.

When people have access to housing…

Overall Community Health Improves

Neighborhoods Successfully Stabilize

More Money is Spent on Other Needs

Economic Mobility Increases

Public Spending is Focused Elsewhere

Dallas is becoming unaffordable. The median income in Dallas is $58,200, and the average home price is $405,000.

Access to housing is the greatest reason people move. Where people move, companies move, and that’s not good for Dallas. We are playing second fiddle to the suburbs.

Dallas needs 100,000 new or refurbished affordable homes by 2033 to meet our housing demand.

Dallas needs $200 million allocated to affordable housing in the upcoming City of Dallas 2024 Bond election.

Dallas’ future is tied to solving housing. Dallas has a long history of rising to the challenge, solving issues others have not and we are sure we can solve this, too.

Cities that fail to offer affordable housing solutions will ultimately drive out residents leading to a shortage in the workforce, an increase in negative health outcomes for its residents, and inevitably, discourage growth in their local economies.

Our Member Organizations

The Dallas Housing Coalition is proud to have a diverse and dedicated group of member organizations who are committed to supporting the development of attainable housing in our community. Our membership consists of non- and for-profit housing developers, housing and policy experts, and other interested organizations, businesses, and resident associations who share our vision for a better, healthier Dallas. 

Our Mission and Vision

The goals of the Dallas Housing Coalition are to increase the public’s consciousness regarding housing attainability and increase the supply of housing available to a variety of income levels across Dallas. We are dedicated to working collaboratively with other organizations and community members to achieve our shared goals, and we believe that by coming together as a community, we can create better, safer Dallas.

What We Do

Take a look at what we are working on right now, and check out some of our resources to learn how you can help.